Health benefits of the foot-massage
All types of massage and promotes a sense of calm. For many health experts, in fact, the feet, which was good for the health and welfare. Foot massage is everywhere in the eastern part of treatment. In the East, foot massage is not only practiced on adults but for children.Reflexology, massage or in the same way as acupuncture. Each area of the foot corresponds to a different area of the body and every part of the foot massage, it is possible that your liver, kidneys, intestine, stomach, etc. This means that if you are constipated, a foot massage can help your circulation problems .Health benefits is not fully demonstrated, but many say they work. It is said that reflexology can be toxins, assist in circulation, improve the functions of the body, and also improve memory. A professional Reflexologist diagnosis of health problems that massaging the feet.Foot massage can be very painful. Especially when the pressure is applied. , Cree pain of a patient in a foot-massage-Center is not uncommon. That is not discouraging, if you are considering a foot massage. Say, at the foot of your Reflexologist low tolerance of pain and ask him for the press.If nothing else, a foot massage to dissolve the stress of everyday life. His feet hit the biggest take every day. It is, for you, where to go and keep the entire body weight. People tend to be on their feet. However, hurt your feet can easily be a person immobile.With many new age ideas filtering in the West also has his feet are growing in areas such as the United States. This is a natural way and treatment after a hard day's work. The health benefits can be challenged, but never try you and see what benefits can be for you.
วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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