Immediately improve your strength of each exercise, Back
Want a quick, simple and immediate opportunity for the weight, you can go back almost every year to raise you? In its good to be true? I say the truth, my friend, and the reality is that if you're not using this piece of fitness equipment, based not on some serious muscle and strength gains. What I'm talking about the instrument? A pair of lifting the belt! This is a simple and highly effective yet so many people fail to exploit them. For those who do not know, are actually a series of large strips of material extremely strong, that for the wrist, then packed for the gym, Dumbbell or cable installation. The purpose of lifting straps, that is, "disposal" of your hand the equation of a secure connection between the wrist and the weight. If the straps right, you can actually at the helm and do your exercises, so that almost no energy in the forearm. Why is it so valuable? Picture this scenario ... You are implementing a series of deadlift (probably the most important muscle building exercise of humanity), to implement 8 representatives. You psych yourself, weight and grip of the bar of the earth. The game is good, but since you are trying to reach REP point 5, the tension on the neck is such that you are no longer the bar. They are forced to the sentence, because the arm on muscular disorder. What happens here? Well, you have an incredible training bra! Congratulations! Unfortunately, very limited, the amount of electro-stimulation, you can use on the back, shoulders, legs, and almost all other muscles of the body that the deadlift targets in the process. This is not a good thing! ERSE eliminate this problem is obtained, the muscle of the great error of muscle groups that will be objective and not on the arms and grip. They can be used effectively for almost all, or to exercise another, if the lift is important. The main argument against lifting belts, the idea that a "crutch" and will negatively affect the development of grip strength and size before. Let's Get Real here. What do you prefer, the more muscle mass and strength and flexibility of your upper back (and almost all other muscle groups of the body) or the ability to crack open the glass of a cucumber? Make your choice. The positive effect that the elimination of straps on all of your muscle mass and strength are very much on the possible negative effects on your arm and handle. In addition, you can simply arm movements into your routine to develop your strength and size before. If you are not already awareness bands in it! You can find in almost all cases, the sale of sports and fitness and on-line is possible. Selling for about 10 or 15 dollars and the price worth it!
วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to lose weight and build more muscle!
For many thin guys around the world, without weight gain illegal steroids has been a challenge. For thousands of young men thin, dreams of weight, but no matter how thin ever eat. Some people are naturally thin, ie their genetic composition so that the body burn more calories than others. The basic method of weight gain is to eat more calories than the body. Through the provision of the body more calories, you can alter this balance and body mass can be increased. Weight training is of great importance in this context, so that the body, for more food in the diet by raising levels of certain hormones and increasing muscle mass. There are many points of view and false theories bout building muscle. The type of food is an important factor, which decides the type of weight, if the muscle mass or the simple accumulation of fat. Some types of calories are not equal on other muscles to win, because most of the junk food contains empty calories nutritionless completely. These foods promote accelerated fat storage, not the body with nutrients essential for muscle. Of high quality protein that the body breaks down into amino acids, should be central to every meal. Intensity of the movement increases the demand for amino acids, musculo-repair and growth. Another factor is the choice of the type of force. Resistance exercises with muscle growth. In search of aerobic exercises that can lead to weight reduction. For maximum muscle gain, the priority should be to the meetings of free movement of weight exercises, and not as exercises machines or body weight. For a very effective, you must stimulate the most muscle fibers, and not machines. The main reason is the lack of stabilizing muscles and synergists. Stabilize and support muscles synergist muscles, which are the major muscle groups while performing a complex lift. The results of weight training is from person to person and is usually based on discipline and your commitment to the program. You have the patience and motivation to build a powerful body with the speed and consistency of the timing of movement. Exercise for the development of muscles: Weight training includes the use of equipment and machinery, the resistance varies. This resistance can manifest itself in the form of free movement of wire as weight training, machines, cables or roles that you lift the weight and bodyweight exercises like pull ups or dips. Stabilizers and synergists work, the more stimulating the muscle fibers. The exercises that the major muscle groups are the link (or most common) movements, the simultaneous stimulation of many muscle groups. These exercises should be the basis for any kind of program, it encourages the height of the muscles in less time. Multi-free weight exercises, such as banks require a lot of stabilization and support of the synergistic muscles lift. Free weight exercises bodybuilding press or squat a lot of stress by muscle groups. They got tired and were not able to lift more weight on the machine. But there are more muscles, more quickly and are a real strength of the force. If you are using the machines in your program, which should be used in remote areas of work, and only after connecting all the multi-exercises are completed. Should first be limited to a combination of machine exercises, drills and multi-weight free weight exercises. Before increasing the weight, it is more correct form and execution of individuals. Here are some proven basic exercises for muscle and strength to win, unlike all the other years. Bench Presses - works the chest, shoulders, triceps Overhead Presses - shoulders, triceps Pull-ups/Barbell lines - back, biceps Squat - legs, back Dead lifts - legs, back, shoulders Bar Dips-shoulders, chest, arms For the mass, weight, you must train with heavy weights. For a truck, you only need to do, no more than 4-8 people, before your muscles temporarily. A weight is considered "light", if you can do more than 15 employees in the muscle is heavier promote greater weight than the weight of muscle fibers that are light in muscle growth. Heavy weight training places a heavy burden on the body, and a quiet and relaxing after a workout is crucial. Eating for the development of muscles: A high level of protein is an inevitable part of any fitness program, particularly protein, sources of animal origin. It must be proteins found in whey, casein (Quark), eggs, beef, poultry and fish. Soy protein, tofu and grains Quark are few alternatives. Eating the right amount of food in a consistent manner the force of your body to grow beyond what you thought possible. The food must also be an amount of carbohydrates (potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice, rice, beans, bread, pasta, cereals) and fat. Green leafy vegetables and fruits should be included. If the train with weights, eat, you should have a minimum of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. You also need protein at every meal. For your body to absorb and use all the calories you receive, it is necessary to reduce the meals and increase your meal frequency. The breakdown of your calories into smaller, may be more frequent portions of food and use nutrients. Over the past 20 years, there have been significant developments in scientific understanding of the role of nutrition for health and physical performance. Studies show that a diet should be carbohydrates (55-60% of total energy source) so that the intensity of training can be maintained. Excess dietary saturated fatty acids, coronary disease, but low-fat food with a reduction of testosterone in circulation. Thus, the balance between protein, carbohydrates and fats, must be maintained. So, concentrate on programs should be a burden to two components, lifting loads, the enhanced muscle fibers. The body reacts to this stimulus by increasing your muscle mass and, secondly, to eat more calories than the body. If the system is overloaded with lots of protein and fat, the body has no choice but to gain weight. A mass is incomplete without time for monitoring progress. Without it, you won't know exactly how the body reacts to your diet and training. Only in the mirror and consultant, is not acceptable. If you wish, you give good results, you must have the habit, while the monitoring of progress. It also provides the motivation for weight gain and the timetable for development. Even if you have a very thin body, and have not been able to win, no matter what you try, it's certainly a good success with the program for weight gain.
The free weights or machines to build bigger muscles weights?
The free weights such as dumbbells and barbed wire on the weight machines to strengthen your muscles bigger? Now, both free weights and weight machines have their advantages and disadvantages. • Advantages of weightlifting machines a) Ideal for beginners, because it is not so intimidating and the range of movement, as well as a bodybuilding beginner is not properly on the removal of a group of muscles. b) easy to use, such as the machines usually have instructions on them. c) Use safe - do not fall in the middle of a lift. d) to isolate the muscles, so you can body part injured and other musculo-training game. • Less machines Weightlifting a) increase the risk of injury, because the spectrum of the proposal and reviewed the training is enormous stress on the joints, tendons and muscles, since the deletion of a particular route. b) Since the isolation of the muscles, the results of your workout your muscles in a targeted fashion with little support or partners so that your gains in synergy muscle is slower and less balanced. c) As the weight of the machines fixed configuration, does not factor in your body frame and structure. If you're a large or small built, narrow or wide shoulders, with the same path of movement and set the width of the handle. This increases the probability of accidents, as well as poorer muscle. • The advantages of free movement of weight a) More stabilizing muscles synergistic muscles are involved. They are, in fact, use more muscles and therefore create greater growth and muscle strength. b) improve your balance and muscle coordination, because you need to lift weights during your appeal and many muscles to do. So your balance and muscle coordination is obviously better. c) Convenient and economical, because you are not in a gym and free weights are much less expensive machines. • Less than free weights a) increase the risk of injury, if the abolition of the form of false and technology. b) the time, because you need for the weight of a territory to another, or physical, the time to adapt, add or reduce weight. Yes, it's better for large buildings and balanced muscles? Yup, free weight on the cake is the weight machines to build muscle faster and bigger. However, since both weight machines and free weights have their advantages and disadvantages, you can weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using machines or free weights for your workout or even a combination of both, your needs.
How to build muscles with bodybuilding exercises
An exercise routine is not only help replace the fat with muscle, which will help the strength and flexibility. A plan to build exercise also improves bone strength, and lowers blood pressure. Whether you're a professional bodybuilder or enjoy meeting difficult weight in the gym with the aim of building up your exercise plan is to help the maximum results. Remember that your goal is ambitious but realistic. Plan a routine that helps you, the goals you have. You can do the planning on paper or computer method in the planning exercise is your culture, your goals in a positive way, precision. It 'better to choose the performance-oriented goals rather than performance goals. You can delete only their own objectives, the benefits of bodybuilding, you have no control over the peoples routines, so you do not have the goal of winning a competition. You can use your destination, a certain amount of muscle mass, or loss of a certain amount of body fat. This type of target is running, whether you compete or not. Before beginning the planning will help you plan your stay and aligned. In writing that is formal, and are more likely to plan. Need short-term goals, help them, the most important for your long-term objective. Cancel your destination in smaller goals, it is easy, your exercise routine culture. The deadline for achieving your goals. Without an appointment, which can easily be your bodybuilding exercise routine. Follow the training successfully. Floor of a prize, if your long-term objective is reached. The most important step in the planning, is a period of Warm-Up. Heating reduces the change of injury and increases performance. Warm up strength exercises can have a series of aerobic activities such as hiking, stepper motors, rowing or stationary cycling, or could seek arm, knees and shoulders curved backgrounds. A third alternative is light with a high number of contracts. The next step, the specific objectives that you or the area you want to improve. If your goal is to exercise the leg of culture, works the legs, as Barbell squats or leg presses. Choose exercises, chest, such as muscles, press, if that is your goal. Perform each exercise carefully to avoid injury. For the mass, not less, but more permanent staff and trucks, the rest at least 1 minute between sets. Another important part of the results of the crop is safe to eat and to drink plenty of fluids.
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