As essential fatty acids improves your brain and mental health
What is your brain?Over 50% of the brain is composed of fat. Twenty percent of this good fat EPA and DHA. Remember EPA and DHA,* Omega-3 fatty acids* Consumption of fish* Borage* Primrose oil* Oil Parilla* Oil NOKI have heard of all these oils in other articles except NKO Krill Oil. This oil is the new kid on the block. It comes from the Antarctic krill, one of the crustaceans in the waters of Antarctica. It appears that the EPA and DHA, borage, but its chemical structure is phospholipids. Phospholipids are easier for cells to absorb borage 's EPA and DHA in the form of triglycerides.Essential fatty acids, the chemical molecules, phospholipids. These phospholipids, a barrier of protection for every cell in your body.If the fatty acids of phospholipids in the form, the body may be faster and more efficient.The NOK oil bio-availability of advanced technologies borage oil or evening primrose oil.If you have a lack of essential fatty acids, which are vulnerable to these conditions are met:* The disease of Alzheimer 's disease* The fear and stress of the body* Cardiac Diseases* Disorder Attention Deficit* From attention deficit-hyperactivity* Bipolar Disorder* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome* Depression* Study of disease* Construction of Memory* Parkinson 's disease* SchizophreniaAs the brain mustYour brain every day should be a good supply of essential fatty acids omega-3. Also use omega-6 and AA (arachidonic acid). So, this means that a good dose of NKO oil is a daily routine for the management of your brain shrinks.Alzheimer 's diseaseDoctors believe that if everyone lived more than 120 years, would be to Alzheimer 's disease. This is a disease that, once that's all I can do right now, the slow progress in the use of certain drugs and foods.Before the brain begins to deteriorate, if node toxins, oxidation by free radicals, and weaken and narrowing blood vessels, could be a good idea at the beginning of the animal must be food.DHA for Alzheimer 's disease. DHA is deficient in your diet if you can wait for memory loss and be depressed as age.Lecithin is also as it contributes to choline, a precursor to the bank of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It also provides chemicals for the manufacture of the NRA.Cardiovascular disease is closely linked to the disease 's, because the heart to pump quite a lot of blood in the brain and arteries is sufficient to open the blood to circulate through the brain and entire body.Although don 't come with Alzheimer ' so your family doesn 't be taken, most of us are in line of dementia. Dementia is also due to a deterioration of brain cells and tissue support. One cause of dementia is a diet, lack of essential fatty acids.Here is my recommendation for complementarity with the essential fatty acids:* Eat more good fish at least once a week and sometimes twice a week* Eat less fat, especially saturated fatty acids. Many managers host for fat 15-20% of total calories.* Do not take each day, the linseed oil and olive oil for the omega-3 and omega-6 oils* Take a daily supplement of NKO or Borage, deliveries of EPA and DHA
วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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