Treatment For Acne And Scars Using Herb

If you have tried to treat acne, you certainly get to know that there are many kinds of treatments out there. All methods of treatment, it could be bought over the counter or by prescription its own advantages and disadvantages.

Many people are moving away from the traditional treatment with prescription drugs today. Is also for acne problem, caught Herbal Treatment forest fires. More and more people rely onHerbs for acne treatment.

Why more people are turning away from prescription drugs?

Antibiotics is the most widely consumed drug in the pharmaceutical treatment of acne. In fact, many of the prescription medications for acne are antibiotics.

One of the disadvantages of treatment with antibiotics is that the treatment is less effective when the body is more tolerant to the drug. Another thing is that yougo through many hit and miss trial until you find a product that works for you.

If you are on the side effect of treatment of acne, herbal treatment for acne concerns known, fewer side effects compared to pharmaceutical medication.

One of the most popular drug that is used for acne treatment is Accutane. This medicine is a vitamin A-based and it is very controversial, how strong and good.

The function of theAccutane is the pores of the body. The understanding is that when the pores are closed to prevent constipation.

Despite its effectiveness, Accutane, on the other side has some very serious side effects. It can cause liver damage and major birth defects. Patients who are on Accutane required to take blood tests on a weekly basis.

This drug may cause some very serious cases such as mental instability and suicide. Obviously, you have the weight inRisk versus benefit.

Why prefer the herbal acne treatment?

Is herbal acne treatment you sure? The answer is: Nobody knows for sure. Is it 100% effective? The answer is no. There is no treatment that is 100% effective. Herbal treatment is in a better position because it is plant-based and plant engineering.

Herbal treatment is known to be less likely to cause side effects, other medical problems. Some of them havea reputation for healing from back to ancient times. Since it made from vegetable people tend to connect them with natural and pure.