Acne and connection
Acne, as you can see an impact on more than ninety percent of the world's population at some time in their lives. It is in more detail the most common skin disease treated by dermatologists and the majority of victims are adolescents and adults. After some technical research, acne is caused by several factors such as hormones, bacteria, and some genetic factors. Some even felt that acne is caused by poor diet, many do not agree. Now the question of acne and diet has been for years. Although some dermatologists say that food has nothing to do with the formation of acne, as acne and diet has a dovetail. Acne and diet are related in any way, such as diet play an important role in the development of acne. Here is a common interpretation, demonstrate that the transfer, such as acne and diet are related. Some studies have shown that eating pure sugar and carbohydrates has led to an increase of insulin, insulin, but also - as a factor in the swelling, as proclaimed IGF - 1 of this article. If that can accompany a surplus mainly hormones, androgens, the products of the highest formation of acne. Acne and food that, if an excess of male hormones is similar product, the pores of the skin to radiate the tallow or oil, which is a fatty substance, in general, is the weight of acne - bacteria that cause. Moreover, this process, the IGF - 1 for the cells of the skin keratinocytes proclaims that reproduce and multiply, which is a material process of formation of acne. others that are in harmony between acne and diet is the impact of certain studies, information on cases of acne island of Papua New Guinea and hunters - Paraguay collectors. After the acne and diet of the study liaison, the face of acne is due to several factors, environment, food for one. Many owners find these acne and diet study, the limitation of grain is an essential step toward optimizing your health, researchers suggest that the failure - Korn-regime still good for acne. Today, acne and diet in shape is one of the themes in the field of medicine. Many said that there is little research regarding the link between acne and food, there is no money. Some also said that doctors and dermatologists, but the debate has nothing to do, acne, because they can not sell a healthy diet. Now, to think that, acne, and some diseases caused by the regime, but we can not heal itself, focusing on food, since many other aggravators behind.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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