Acne cysticum, Hard stripped pimples!
Referring to a difficult personality, saying that "This is a Dickfelligkeit colleagues." If this comment in a store of products to treat strong, probably the attention of the race Seller: please point to counter ... so and so ... The reason for cystic acne is asphyxiated skin (dry on the surface in oil), thickening of the skin! For cystic acne, treatment technologies are now available. It is desirable for the outside with medication. Narrow, lumpy cystic acne, one of the DAB hydrocartisone cream. Have a label Schneider, "especially for you" on the pants? Similarly, if the treatment of cystic acne. The dermatologist is a program tailored to your needs. Peel is the strongest March cystic acne. It offers more fat exfoliation, skin thick and strong. E 'with effect from Sunday heavily damaged and thickened skin. E 'also for people with cystic acne and asphyxiated skin. The heat, humidity and the smell of the steam plant away muscle tension, remove the spirit and lifts the spirit. One might wonder what to do with cystic acne. Steam is one of the oldest traditional methods of deep cleaning of the skin. The moisture softens the outer edges of the skin dry, and then easier to remove, leaving a fresh complexion and relaxing. The heat increases blood circulation and activates the pores of the face and the glands, the dirt and makes the body of toxins to the surface. All said and done, we must start from the premise that all blessed with smooth, shiny and healthy skin. But we have to skin and layout, and for the importance it deserves. The skin is the last defense of the body and has a duty to protect the health and well-being, understanding of its current state correctly.
วันอังคารที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Understanding and treatment for body acne
One of the most frustrating and irritating skin conditions, from acne to a person's body. Indeed, if a person is affected with acne body that men and women - or young - for the release of the pain of adoption, a bothersome at best and the worst pain of all situations. Without an adequate and effective treatment, body acne can actually finish schwärende and causes infection and, ultimately, irreversible damage to the skin in the form of irreversible scarring. Therefore, if a person with the first stages of acne, the body, or if you are in the middle of the body soufflé an eruption of acne, it is essential that you have proper treatment. Main causes of body acne In many cases there is no single cause or a house or acne. This is in many cases, an outbreak of acne is the result of a combination of factors - a perfect storm of acne, if you want. A key factor to the outbreak of acne, the body is inefficient cleaning. With is not the person in question does not get wet. However, this means that in such cases, a person not to use the right types of cleaning and washing of the body can function effectively for the skin clean and free of dead cells and oil development. Choice of materials is also a factor in the body, in some cases of acne. Many people, who actually is a body acne to leave the house, as a sort of routine, allergic reaction to a certain type of equipment. While on a plane, it is true, an outbreak of acne from a body reaction to a certain type of tissue requires a different type of treatment, which is usually in the context of assistance for a rash is the result of an allergic reaction. In some cases, a person's diet can contribute to the body of an outbreak of acne. There are a considerable number of disputes, types of food could be one of the causes of body acne. Ultimately, the best way to ensure that your diet will contribute to the manifestation of acne, the best to eat a balanced diet every day. A final common cause for acne in some cases, the machine is a person a night. In this context, some people are a little 'lax when it comes to maintenance and money laundering bedding. As a natural consequence of the oils and dead cells, can be carried by the sheets, an outbreak of body acne in the skin of a person, in some cases. Again, it should be noted that in most cases, must also be a factor in the outbreak of acne, the body. Acne his body condition The best measure for the reception and treatment of body acne is the development and treatment. When it comes to body acne, a good and comprehensive care and treatment should include: - The elimination or adjustment of the causes of acne (for example, changes in food, clothing and substantive changes, a change in body cleansing) - The adoption of a practice to clean the body and wash with soap to combat and prevent body acne - Creation of a full body exfoliation routine - The use of body cleansing and treatment of acne, as ZENMED ™ Body Acne Combo As the body of acne, a number of different sources to complete the beginning of a frontal attack on the problem described in this article is the best source for the solution of the situation in the near future. Moreover, through the adoption of a global regime, the use of these materials as good ZENMED ™ Body Acne Combo, you'll be a much better position to prevent future outbreak of body acne. (If you are not completely eliminate future outbreaks, it is at least the possibility of effective reduction of the severity of acne outbreaks future body). Conclusion The care and treatment of body acne is something that must be taken seriously. If you're not on a care and treatment, not in your attempt at treatment and disposal of body acne. On the other hand, if you have a real full body care and treatment of acne, not only able to connect to a gift from the flare-up, but also to prevent future outbreaks of acne in two bodies near and long term.
Not acne essential fatty acids
While scientists do not fully understand the cause of acne, the role of essential fatty acids in the body including the skin, it is reasonably understandable. This led to understand what some scientists and practitioners of natural health to examine the effects and benefits of essential fatty acids to the skin as acne. Udo Erasmus is a writer with postgraduate studies in biochemistry and genetics and a PhD in nutrition. He believes that both the problems of malnutrition and improve acne or if it is not as simple as normal chocolate! At the core of his belief that "fat and Hard (disk), the protein deposits clog the pores and the narrow channel, our skin, and to instruct the infection by bacteria, which celebrates the Chaos". (p346) E 'of the opinion, acne is the result of a "fatty degeneration". The factors are: * The problem with fat-Binding Protein * Too many "hard" fats * Not enough essential fatty acids Hard fats are also regarded as saturated fatty acids. These are the fats that are found in most foods, including animal fats and dairy products. The name derives from the fact that the molecules of fat with the maximum of hydrogen molecules, which can be. This interest the way this right in our body fat. Some of these saturated fatty acids have a high melting point, like butter and milk fat. An excess can cause problems for the health of our heart and arteries. Essential fatty acids are not essential, in our cells. These include the membrane of skin. Erasmus describes the properties of saturated fatty acids rather Stick together. And because more a melting point, are quite irregular and the shape of deposits, if consumed in excess. So it is more difficult for the body to eliminate. And just as pieces of education, which can with pieces of other things, such as proteins, minerals and cholesterol. The excess sugar can be a problem, because our body converts sugar into excess saturated fatty acids. Other problems of excess capacity has saturated fatty acids, the fact that the body can be unsaturated fatty acids, and oxidized, if don \ 't consume enough fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids, the supply of oxygen in tissue, blood, the key to oxygen and to avoid as important means of transport, in general, is the oxygen to the cells. Fat, including saturated fat, fat in the cells of our skin. These centers are the storage of fat. Erasmus recommends its W3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and W6 (linen and linoleic acid) essential fatty in the right proportion. Essential fatty acids have free receptor hydrogen bonds. This property changes the way the molecules are, in relation to the form they have. And this is another form, folded form, which means you don \ 't lumps with the affinity that had saturated fats. And they have a melting point below - are also more liquid. Because of these differences in structure, but also have a molecular weight slightly negative freedom, and given that the costs of thrust, which is another reason why don \ 't lumps. Erasmus is the property of unsaturated fats, the "liquid" cell. He said that allows you to perform the functions of the cell chemicals. Inflammation, a characteristic of acne with a lack of essential fatty acids, LNA, or alpha-linolenic. Erasmus, that when the ignition is not a classic symptom of the LNA, where people of alpha-linolenic, Denmark, this problem can be undone. Essential fatty acids, as a group are strongly anti-inflammatory. Another essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (LA), and in particular with regard to acne. If there is a deficiency of linoleic acid, oil producing glands of the skin, tallow, mixed with oleic acid. Oleic acid in butter and animal fat country. However, they can use the essential fatty acids. But what is more important for patients with acne, the fat is mixed with oleic acid, irritating to the skin. It is also an obstruction of the pores, the cases of acne, comedones and Whitehead.
Acne prevention is better than cure!
The first and the first point in mind, in the treatment of acne is not to panic violence. Whitehead or blacks have a cool head! Without doubt, the acne on the face is required to drop down in confusion the contours of your mind, but desperate, are not the solutions to desperate situations. A basic understanding of the situation of acne in any case a thorough investigation. Fortunately or unfortunately, the literature and know-how on treatment options are available should be confused! A mountain of literature on the pier, acne! Allow to fully understand that all treatment of acne is an impossible thing to do. If someone, a product or a company or multinational, which promises to take as a screen! We live on it because of the sale. And the sale takes place on one \ 's cool! If the golden rule, an ounce of prevention is better than cure, is, they are here, and profits. What is your basic formula for skin? If there are no new jobs, improve the skin and the efforts to deny the future of scars, you're on track! Now you know your acne! Personal treatment of a disease throughout the world! The human skin needs a certain amount of oil to natural conditions. And when it comes to skin acne, skin care is even more important. Keep the place clean areas. Wash the affected area twice a day with a fragrance-free cleaning. Note that aggressive soaps, washing and the strength of the great enemies of your skin of acne. In addition, hundreds of Over-the-Counter-funds are available at your local pharmacy. The anti-blight in the center, such as benzoyl peroxide to help you win a lot of acne. The skin, where you feel that the place, birth, must be clean. In fact, these types of dry skin and scales on the surface of dead skin. These effects make it difficult for the infection of the pores are blocked and do not extend. If the antibacterial effect of drying the skin, the skin begins to diminish. The pores are not blocked and infection. No offer on-site processing of the results. Indeed, if the hopes to enter their own time. If the results are no longer, for example, within two months, then the processing time, after consultation with a dermatologist. At that time, which has great potential, as the case history and his understanding of the problem, after various investigations, if necessary. He has an arsenal of treatment options for applying for internal and external consumption. And, finally, the lack of consultation is not your grandmother! The increase in "Encyclopedia \ 'can be a solution!
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