Formation of the type of muscle fiber
Copyright 2006 Raymond Burton Rep is a funny thing. Many people speak of many of these rates, but many have no idea really why they do it, or that many effects on their body. In general, less than 3-8 repetitions, most for the creation of absolute force production. In the midst of trials, as a force for the production of 10-20 anaerobic endurance. More REP produce between 20-40 strength aerobic endurance. The reason for different sectors, including representatives of a class, because people have different amounts of time for the rep. We know that this is not the actual number of employees, but the time that the muscle is under tension, which in reality means that the adaptive response. If you have 4 employees, 6 seconds, and I do 6 employees, 4 seconds each, which is 3-8 in the series and creates, as the adjustment of the response that were created in 24 seconds of muscle tension. Now, the type of fiber. There are 3 main types of muscle fibers in the body, which we have with. Type 1, type 2 and type 2b. Some people have a natural tendency to do, and some activities, particularly as the others, and why the report of a muscle to another type of fiber, among others. Type 1 muscle fibers (gestures or slow muscle fibers at a time when red) muscle fibers are resistant because they are very resistant to fatigue and injuries. The sad part is that the capacity, power is also very low. Muscle fibers of type 2 (fast muscle fibers gesticulation - Intermediate - sometimes white) are much larger and more muscle fibers type 1. These fibers have high glycolytic capacity of resistance and can be output over a long period. Muscle fiber type 2b are the tip of the balance of power. And 'the survival of fiber. The aim of all the muscle fibers 2b is sufficient that the power and strength to survive in emergency situations. Sixteen per cent of inactive persons is a 2b fibers. Now, although these fibers are strong, they do not have the resistance to fatigue or injury. The fact is that, if and when you have people, most people Untrainierte irreparable damage to tissues. Now I'I said that to say that. Research has shown that white muscle fibers, type 2a and 2b, the highest income in terms of size and strength when training. The white muscle fibers are largely output power, ie, a lot of calories burned with a fabric that is the life of a lot of calories to stay. So, what is red with the muscle fibers, type 1? Now, your body effectively, that is. For example, if all of you is the heart and other senior officials, your body is to promote the development of muscle fiber type 1 and in the end, taking its capacity, the maximum strength, size and power. What happens if the power, size and power are not your goals? Well, at least not with some of these attributes in a repressed metabolism. The media does not burn the calories in a day. This means that if you're on a program of weight loss is required for the type 2a muscle fibers in REP 10-12, metabolism, and to stay strong and healthy. Now, the body can increase with greater momentum in an area un po 'di tempo. This is why a good number of programs, is quite differant training, highlights a differant every type of muscle fiber for a specified period. A single program, the majority of the phase of training, the best the express aim of trying to achieve.
วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

3-Core anabolic exercises should be done
As far as the construction of a muscle, like me, it's easy to maintain. It 'very easy to read the advertisement of new products and exercises, the promises of the next best thing muscle development. Fancy exercises and memory products through the search for "words and explanations to show that the work for the muscles. In this article, I find myself back on the essentials. I show three years, can not afford and why you should do. These three exercises are the basis for the construction of the muscle and are vital for any serious training. Perhaps it is hard to believe, but with these three exercises alone you can pack a serious level of muscles. I refer to those years of "core" of any good program. If the plan of muscle development, I program for a client, I always with these exercises and build the program around them. 3 years of basic Squat The squat is the biggest challenge for the packaging, a serious poundage. There is no argument. The squatting posture is primarily a leg building exercise. To begin with exercises that quiet your shoulders upwards. Turn your knees and hips, lowering the weight down until your thighs almost parallel to the ground. Then press the weight into position. The main muscle groups, in fact, are employed for the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Secondary groups of muscles in lower back, adductor and to some extent, the muscles of the shoulder. As you can see, many muscle groups are suspended for this year is the biggest movement and the greatest potential for musculo-Builder. As the nucleus of all the exercises, you must first perform a crouched leg posture Training Day It is the largest that you want to exercise your legs, fresh and ready. If your goal is to develop muscle, should be about 8-12 employees crouched posture. As you are lifting, a good warm-up is essential. Occupation of the house is very stressful for the lower body especially the knees, 5-10 minutes on the treadmill and some lights squats first recommended. Coated Bank pres is the king of upper body exercises. For years, press the bank is a device for measuring strength. How many times have you ever wondered: "What is your bank?" I bet you've never asked how many you want to squat or lift your chin, you can do. The bank is a simple but very powerful perception, that the objectives of the entire chest (pectorals), front of the shoulders (deltoids) and triceps. For a bank, you need to press the back are in a bank surface, the weight of managing a po 'the wider shoulder of the handle, then press the bar to the chest. The Bank is the largest manufacturer of printing, because it allows for the height of the weight as possible. This is an advantage compared to the muscles on the sidelines. With the help of a spotter, you can also press for lifting heavy weights. There are other advanced techniques like board presses lying, and lying chain of negative pressure. See also our link below for more details. Wide Grip Chin Up If yes, for a return of your work, it would be back. The large outlet ing is the ultimate test of a power / weight relation. This exercise is very demanding on the body. The wide tion taken in the first line, the lat, but also the upper back, biceps and arms. To do this, you must have a bar or on the chin with the chin-support machine. Do you think the bar of a handful (more than shoulder width) with the inner surface of the hand from the body. Start in a "hanging" position with arms fully extended. Drag until you can use your chin on the bar and in the lower back for the position. Most people are not able to do a level of adhesion tion without lat / back training first. You can support the machine or the chin lat pull-down machine to strengthen before making your wide grip Lat ing up. This is the most demanding back exercise you can do it, it must be the first year at the meeting. If you have these exercises As I said earlier in this article, these exercises are the largest owners and muscles of the tax burden on the body, so that should be done at the beginning of his training as a benefit. I recommend putting that up to 5 for each exercise and vary the nature and the way each week. For example, the first week is defined as the pyramid, the second week of the pyramid and the third week, you bet. Justice of the muscles used for your routine. Good luck to packing heavy books!
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