The link between early treatment of acne and Technology
Some of the best treatments for acne or are currently being developed by high technology and scientific innovations. The formation of high technology, medical devices and instruments such as medicine and health-related concerns of practitioners and the general public. One area of medicine, the market has benefited from technology, dermatology. The birth of biotechnology, laser and LED, scientists for the development of some of the best treatments for acne, that man has ever seen. It is arguable which is the best that ever happens, as in medicine. The discovery of LEDs, lasers and fluorescent lamps have been developed for the use of visible light to treat acne, a process known as photonthérapie. This type of treatment has been shown that 64% of the reduction of acne lesions, while two times a week. The method seems to work better, if, in conjunction with red light. The association has been demonstrated to reduce injuries in 76% after three months of life. Laser operation is already in the reduction of scars, acne and researchers are now if the same method can be used to prevent the emergence of acne. Laser technology is being developed to burn and remove folliculostimulante SAC sebaceous glands and induces the formation of oxygen the bacteria to kill her. Since 2005, these scenarios in the research stage and are not yet definitive treatment methods. Another area of high technology is very promising for the treatment of acne, biotechnology, including areas related to genetics. Since acne is probably linked to the sequence, whole genome sequencing of DNA, the focus of research efforts. The goal is the understanding of the mechanisms for education in the body of acne. The use of gene therapy to the DNA of the skin is also the possibility of not too far away. The technology has given us some of the best treatments for acne always for man. Other options are still waiting to be discovered and the science of the 21st century, at the margin, that all these opportunities to achieve.
วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is acne and acne?
Acne occurs when, first, the clogged pores of our face with Whitehead, comedones, or pieces of nodules or cysts. Acne on face, neck, chest, shoulders, back and arms. It 'very often with youth, adults, but until the age of forty to be acne. It is not harmful to health, but which creates spots on the body, which is very irritating. Acne scars, the causes are often permanently. Acne is not based on race, ethnicity, color or sex. Nearly 100% of people age twelve seventeen victims from time to time points blacks, pimples or Whitehead. Most of these young people are able to secure some of the problems with drugs that can be seen on the counter. For some, the problem is serious and requires professional training. Over 40% of children and adolescents suffer from serious problems with a doctor for treatment. Where is it? Results of acne at the age of ten to three years. The situation remains for the next five to ten years. In general, disappears in the early twenties, but there can be an end of their stay at twenty, thirty years or even later than that. There have been cases in which people of acne, although in adulthood. Man or woman? There was no evidence, whether men or women suffer more from acne. But young people are more vulnerable to various forms of acne than women. In men, acne is more severe and lasts more than real women. In spite of these men are not more dermatologists often necessary. Young women, in general, the acne that occurs intermittently. This is due to hormonal changes as part of the menstrual cycle. Acne can also use cosmetics without understanding where they are, your skin type or not. This type of acne may occur in women who are very good in his adulthood. Where are they? Acne can occur, most often on the face, but also on the chest, back, shoulders, head, neck, arms and legs. Impact Acne seems to be very simple, but you will be surprised to know that the economic impact is not as good. Almost a hundred million dollars a year for non-prescriptive drugs that most teenagers buy to get rid of acne. This amount does not include money for soap and detergents, which have been made to control acne. Moreover, it takes a visit to the dermatologist and buy the medicines he prescribed. It also takes money. We are here for you to know that you are not the only one who suffers from this problem. A thorough cleaning of the skin of the regime must be respected to the skin healthy.
What causes acne Teenage
During the early years, young boys and girls are at increased risk for the acne breakout, where the oil glands in the body to begin the production of tallow (oil, grease of the skin are similar). Apart from the problem, your body, dead skin cells constantly raised - and some are "sticky" cells of the skin, the scales of the standard - that is left on the skin. In humans, acne, excess skin cells with oil and stir clog hair follicles. The share of myths A lot of myths are in circulation, are the causes of acne. Now look at some. - Dirt not acne - A dirty comedones insertion of one of your pores, but this is not the case. - Sebaceous glands and cells of the skin and, sometimes, to mix the opening of pores. But the case is still deep into the pores. - Enjoy your chocolate and chips. Favorites, not to increase the production of sebum of the skin. - Some of you have said that sexual activity or masturbation can cause acne. It is not true. Who has more acne? While boys and girls for acne - is a little 'worse, because the boys in their bodies more skin oils. Curiously, the immune system may be involved, because - and highly sensitive bacteria, the catch in hair follicles. What makes acne worse? - If the makeup, hair or sunscreen, which contain oil - can connect-pore problem. - The situation of stress - for schools, or the struggle with the notes or pressure - can contribute to acne. - During the period of a girl, hormones may be more sebum of the skin, the deterioration of brick-busting. - And you guard against the sun - and not only can damage the skin and premature aging - can also lead to pimples. During your skin clean is an important part of treatment, do not forget to soft - not hard to wash, without orders or Abpressen. You can survive, acne.
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