Natural Acne Treatment depends totally on a balanced diet, vitamins and nutritional supplements, herbs and bodywork. The treatment of acne naturally is more efficient, cheaper and more freely than with conventional side-effects caused by acne treatment or medication for the treatment of acne.
Diet for Acne Treatment:
Try to eliminate fried, refined, processed, canned and sugary foods from your diet menu. Raw and fresh vegetables at least five times a day fruit and at least once. It is recommended to foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as sardines or consume flaxseed.
There are some myths about acne and related claims, chocolate, coffee, salt, shellfish, wheat products and carbonated drinks increase acne. But the reality is that these products may cause acne, if you are allergic to a given product. Drink lots of water daily. It is better to haveat least 8 glasses of water per day.
Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements for Acne:
Vitamin A is beneficial in reducing sebum production. However, you should be careful not to overdo it, because high doses of vitamin A can cause headaches, muscle and joint pain, and decreased bone density. If you are taking vitamin E, zinc and beta-carotene, there is no need for the intake of vitamin A. Zinc helps in the healing spots, reduce inflammation and reduce the androgenic hormonesEffects on the skin. Vitamin B6 is also cure for acne, as it will help with already, menstrual or mid-cycle Acne
Herbs for Acne:
There are many herbs for effective, natural treatment of acne, such as sarsaparilla, burdock, yellow dock and cleavers been used. It is believed that these herbs are blood and lymph cleanser. Tea tree oil, oatmeal, aloe vera, lemon is also used for natural acne treatment. These herbsare beneficial in the eradication of bacteria and reducing inflammation.
Massage is another natural treatment is recommended for people with acne. There are many benefits of massage therapy as helpful to an increase in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, thus fixing the flaw healing process.
Stress Reduction
In general, stress is responsible for many health guidelines, including acne. Try to reduce stressMeditation, yoga, exercises and breathing techniques