Acne is caused by the waste that your body exit through pores in the skin. These pores sometimes become clogged, bacteria to build up behind the skin. The best acne treatment is a healthy diet. A healthy diet is your digestive system. There are certain foods that should the occurrence of acne and these foods are eliminated or restricted in your diet can cause.
A healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and exercise can helpYou reduce your chance of an acne outbreak. Sometimes hormonal changes can cause acne - especially the menstrual cycle. For those who have acne outbreaks, there are effective acne treatments. If you have severe acne, you can search on the advice of your physician. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication for your acne. Make sure you discuss with your doctor associated side effects or drug and food interactionswith the medication.
Natural Acne Treatments
There are also many natural acne treatments that have been used to prevent acne or to reduce acne outbreaks. Some of these natural acne treatments include:
Lemon juice wash - wash face with hot water, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice, let dry for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. Do this daily.
Honey facial - , can also apply honey on face and pat until sticky, for 5 minutes and remove.
Tea Tree Oil - a skin with tea tree oil to prevent infection.
Vitamin A - helps with the healing.
Omega-3 fatty acids - have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Zinc - helps to heal tissue and prevent scarring.
Nutmeg - Grind nutmeg with milk and apply for 1-2 facesHours.
Honey / cinnamon - mix to a paste, apply before bedtime, remove the morning with warm water.
Lemon / cinnamon - this should not be used to remedy the situation of persons with sensitive skin.
Orange peel paste - Grind orange peel in water to make paste, apply on or around the pimple in the face.
Garlic - RUB fresh garlic on and around pimples.
Peanut oil / lime juice --prevents the formation of pimples.
Mint juice over face, leave you overnight.
Methi (fenugreek) - paste of fresh methi leaves, leave on for 10-15 minutes, wash with warm water.
Papaya - rub pimple swelling.
To create lime juice / milk - Mix Limejuice and cooked mixture to wash a face.
Lime / Rose water - mix to affected area, leave 20-30 minutes, wash with warmWater.
Tomatoes - ripe tomato pulp on acne, allow 1 hours, rinse, too.
Potatoes - grated potatoes as mash.
Sandalwood / Rose water are - a combination of face, leave 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Radish seeds - Grind radish seeds into the water on his face.
Neem leaves / turmeric powder - a paste apply to the skin, allow 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Turmeric powder / mint juice - for affected area, leave 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
The Most Effective Acne Treatment
The most effective treatment for acne is a healthy lifestyle - including a healthy diet, regular exercise, cleanliness and the avoidance of stress. There are many factors that could cause an outbreak of acne - food will be served, hormonal changes in your body, put that onby stress, or the digestive system not working properly to dispose the body of wastes.
All of these things can be avoided if your life a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a lifestyle that will provide overall health with help you to prevent the onset of acne - as well as many other diseases and illnesses that are directly related to diet and exercise. Exercise is important so that the organs in your body can function properly and to keep your blood flowing properly. If you work take to your body, your body will work to give you a long and healthy life. You can avoid situations that food and add to the outbreak of acne, and to learn which foods to eat are good for the overall health of your body.