Acne - A Clean Face - First step in a program of the 12-step

 Since acne is a disease that occurs in your body and this is outside the body, it is necessary

 * Attack acne from your body

 * Acne attack from outside your body

 If your acne is not too difficult, you just need a good cream and need only a few steps in my program of stage 12 to the time that the acne is active.

 If your Acne is schwerer you can go to the 12-step of my program, because aCNE is an expression of the body and is a reflection of what is in your mind, the structure of cells and internal organs.

 Acne is a disorder of excess toxic in the body, removing the internal organs are unable to remove them. So your toxins in the blood and excreted through the skin. This is an automatic survival mechanism your lichaambep starts Innenseiten end of the body - cells, fluids, blood, organs and tissues.

 Derneu are 12 areas that you need to look at,

 * Keep your face clean

 * Using Scotty's acne face cream or face cream

 * The experience and the day of your tree constipation liquid quickly

 * Changes in your diet

 * There are lots of sun, air and water

 * Vitamins you should be consistent

 * Minéraux, you must

 * Des supplementsde

 * A mixture of herbs to use or drink

 * Tern drink special or additional

 Borstel skin *

 * Change of attitude

 Step 1: Keeping your face clean

 If you use cosmetics, you should stop. Some cosmetics irritate the skin and cause acne, by entering your pores on your face. The cosmetics chemicals that can cause the skin pores and cause van'irritatie and inflammation are:

 Mineral oil, lanolin parabensPropylenglycol

 Check the labels of cosmetics use. You will find that many CosmeticTICA, soaps and sunscreens contain these substances.

 Find a watercourse as a basis, not an oil base. Do not irritate your face and use it sparingly

 If you wash your face, do not use commercial soaps, because they productenuits chemicals that irritate and aggravate your acne condition. And not washing the skin too dry visot natural protective oils. So do not touch the face, because you can add or bacteria.

 Your face washing, gebruI only

 * Castille liquid soap or hand

 * Pure Glycerin hand soap

 You can Pat your face with a clean hot traffic to your face and open face, and toxic substances in the pimple, the surface. Do not scrub hard to burst a button, but instead GestrUpp easy button when it is ready to open.

 Use the towel calpar only 2-3 times per week.

 When a button is not rub or scrub. In fact, nothing new or choose a button on its ownor other injuries leave scars that are difficult to remove. Only a face wash with soap, clean face free of contaminants.


 What you do to your skin will be reflected in your skin and bloodstream.

 Most creams, lotions, soaps and are equipped with all kinds of chemicals that are toxic to the body. By its use, the liver work harder.

 During the day or night, to rest the chin or cheek in the hand (en) or arm (s). This can irritate your face and acne breakout. When you sleep, you should try to sleep on their backs, not with the right side of the page or on the face ynyl cushion.

 You have one. Step 1 shows you how to clean your face, so that no reduction of acne or acne.

Acne - Types, Causes and Treatments

 Acne vulgaris, commonly known as pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. This condition is most common in puberty. How to get to the first twenty, disappears or is minimized. Acne begins because of the comedy is enhanced by its oil and bacteria. The comedy is invisible to the naked eye, and beneath the surface of the skin. With regard to the status of the law, dieincendioato grows in a Läsion. The olie of bacteria on the skin helps to thrive in the swollen follicle.

 Acro-inflammatory are two types - white or Comedi Closed head, and open-COMED or black head. There are 4 types of inflammatory acne --

 Papules ท - It is the most gentle on the skin, like a little pink belly.

 Purulent ท - are small round lesions, visible pus. Appear red at the base and in the Mitteweißlich or yellowish.

 Nodules or CISTI ท - Large and painful, pus-filled laesies deep into the skin. The nodes consist May for weeks or months, with the contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often deep scars.

 ท acne combined - these severe bacterial infection in the first place on the back, buttocks and chest.

 The main causes of acne are Hormoneas, the androgens, the production of extra sebum, follicle rain, bacteria and inflamaciónmaComv. For controlling acne, you can use the following steps --

 Avoid ท oVermaat washing the skin. You can dry your skin and acne irritant areas. In Cleaning can also provide additional incentives for oil production.

 Avoid alcohol products ท tone the skin. Alcohol is a strong astringent that strips the top layer of the skin glands sEBACE for more oil.

 Do not squeeze or elegirl ท acne with nails, needles or anything else. SHij forces the bacteria deeper into the skin and often an acne scar.

 A ท washing is necessary after the exercise. Heat and moisture zitten against the skin creates an ideal breeding ground for the spread of bacteria.

 ท Consuming foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-3, vitamin E and zinc, such as eggs, nuts, liver, milk, fish and green leafy vegetables.

 ท good dreams and a life without stress and anxiety can acne.

 Use ท little make-up, while during the exercise. Avoid clothes which consist exclusively of nylon.

 Laser surgery is often used for acne littEken of acne lasciato.Curare with Azelaic acid, salicylic acid, retinoids and benzoyl peroxide tropics is also common. Many people have started to treat acne more than with traditional herbal medicine tea, herbal oils and creams.