Acne: the knowledge base

 Statistics show that about 80% of the general population of the United States has never had acne. Acne affects all ages, genders and age universal skin disease. As a form of skin disease, the good news is that acne is not transferable.

 Although acne is not contagious from person to person, which may have throughout the side and the strong influence on all fabrics, leather pilosébCEAA units. It's not that acne waaraffects only the current thrch puberty. Children or persons who may be outside their quarantine, disease of the skin. Infantile acne is the term for acne that new born, on the other hand, acne rosacea is associated with middle age.

 Acne has different classifications depending on the severity of infection.

 Comedi is the form in which all cases of severe acne originating. This project has little rouge swelling or damage to the skin. White heads and black heads are two formand dercomedo. Vice is a black comed. The color is due to the accumulation of skin pigment called melanin, and hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. This is the basic structure of Whitehead, but the only difference is the color, and these are located deep within the skin layers.

 If you have sandpaper like skin around the vanMond and on the surface of tessutofronte, chin and cheeks, you've probably papules. Pus filled lesions sindLSO as pustole.

 Nodules on the other hand, are comparable to pustules. However, the nodules are solid and are growing, and acne deep into the skin. Inflammation may pustules of semi-liquid or liquid that is composed of white blood cells (which have died because the bacteria that infect-acne and Propionibacterium acnes), dead cells and Baktieve active or inactive. This can lead to more serious acne called cysts. Cess in a situation of you May dieUnterstützung skin doctor or dermatologist.

 Cosa causes acne? It 'very difficult to determine precisely the cause of your acne infection, the reasons vary from case to case. The studies suggest that skin disease may be influenced by many factors such as poor diet, stress, hormonal changes and May weerno genetically influenced.

 Medically, acne begins with the formation of hardened sebum or the oily substance on the skin by the sebaceous glands cracks. It will be alternating with acne-infecting bacteria, which in turn the immune system, white blood cells to prevent the attack of bacteria. If this happens, the death of white blood cells and bacteria accumulate in the hair, skin debris and particles of skin death, which can then ignite dela sessions.

 Most cases of mild acne can be treated with multiple medications for acne. They are usually Actueel medicines aufIhre skin acne treatment. You can take the form of soaps, lotions, gel and creams. Conversely, systematic acne oral medications. The most common of these antibiotics.

 Knowing that you are not the only one who has said of acne at some point in their life or other forms of assistance chee always the results of new research and new products are in force. Keep reading, research and contribute to the fight against acne.

Acne! Happened?

 Copyright 2006 Tony Büel

 The idea is quite difficult for the self-conscious teenager. And now - in May that not happen at a worse time - Acne!

 Acne is most common to almost all young people worldwide. Most other healthy teenager suffers from acne and all the hate. In some, the horror is as strong as that of obsession. And other outstanding problems of acne may very well result indecorated cadacIon less self-purification and depression. But the good news is that almost all acne is a normal and natural process of growth. With or without the use of acne treatments, all acne will eventually disappear, and youth to adolescence and beyond. But almost everyone is always looking for the final treatment of acne.

 To determine the treatment of acne wnemen ideal for understanding the causes of acne in the first place. Wednesday acnéI + DT susceptiblescauses are natural, not like most people think, because of poor hygienic conditions, but because of hormonal changes in the human body. Some people separate excess oil on the hormonal changes caused by puberty and this traps moisture and dirt, leading to blackheads and acne. In others, acne is caused by infection or obstruction of the pores. OthersMay core have acne as a result of poor nutrition. But the treatment of acnésedisponible for all types of acne. But it would be a good idea to have a dermatologist Aufdi cause of acne before trying to start the treatment session.

 This is an incredible number of acne treatments available. Just go to a pharmacy or drugstore and you will see bright rays of media products for the treatment of acne. Most of them are lotions for the treatment of acne that widespread disposal can not be your problem. But enla the best acne treatments on the basis of their acne, your doctor is the best guide. Acne treatments vary sichverschiedenen acne. And if you are able to enter the PIN, you can ask a fortune on treatments for acne that does not always seem to work. Among the treatments for acne include azelaic acid creams, peroxide benzoyle and Accutane. EenER topical antibiotics and lotions. Other treatments include glycoliquel'acide and gluconic acid. But, as mentioned above, each of these acne treatments works for a particular type of acne. And the most severe acne, treatment intensity.

 The best advice anyone can give you is that acne treatment time is the best healer. But for those who are not willing to leaver is the time the doctor, the pharmacy of your Spielplatz. Although the treatment can work wonders for some, others have not optéou prescription drugs.

 Knowledge is the key to understanding the particular case of acne. Only then will we begin to solve the problem. And you'll be surprised how fast you can solve your problem of acne, if you know the source of acne and strategy, it is!