Acne Skin Care: 8 Simple Tips to follow

 The on the condition of the skin of people aged 12-24 is a disease called acne. The cause of acne, it is difficult to determine. However, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is pointed as the cause of most outbreaks of acne.

 Pilosebaceous units of the combination of hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin. Soutienerficie with the exception of the palms and feet are planned pilosabaceous leather,  Textile throughouno body. You are responsible for the secretion of oily substance called sebum. However, since many factors (eg, hormonal disorders, stress and the natural condition of the skin), the sebaceous glands can produce more sebum than usual. If this is the case, the excess oil plugs the skin pores. This process and produitcette infection battericae the reaction of the immune system. In last analysis, inflammatory acne results.

 Acne can occur in any Hauttyp. A type of fat is more subsepincompatible skin with acne. The dry skin on the other hand, can not be so sensitive, but severe epidemics can occur during the winter. Normal skin is also prone to acne, but the level of seriousness should not be very high.

 Today, acne is not completely curable encminerale, but through different methods of skin care for acne. Many seek the help of the current medications on the skin surface. Howevers is the use of the use of products for the skin such as acne "diameter pore strip pads" can be in black and white, but had no effect on the production of more sebum.

 However, in order to prevent and repair, it is better to use 8 Simple tips:
 1. Etquilibrada health must be respected. Therefore, your diet contains all the essential nutrients for substances the body needs to function effectively.

 2. Drink a lot of Flüssigkeiten such as water, fruit juice. Reducing consumption of soft drinks.

 3. It is not recommended.

 4. Wash your face with soap and water. The logic is not to remove the soil (as most people feel imposto acne), corn removal plug into the pores of the skin, resulting from a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and hardening of sebum. Despite the earth is not really the cause of acne, can contribute to infection through hiss interaction with the skin and the particles of dirt and oil on the skin.

 5. Cleaning pads in the news, which may be one or more of the following: salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove excess oil. Another way to minimize présencerence of oil into the skin to wash your face with warm water is able to manage.

 6. Minimize the use of harsh cleaning agents, acne, and use that to exfoliates skin gently. Do not rub vigorously into the affected areas.

 7. If your hands are dirty, do not touch your face.

 8. If you have long hair, hair cravattaz to stay away from face. This applies particularly if the climate is hot and spent.

 Skincare dacné preventive measures are as important as the treatment of acne itself. With the preventive no, unless you know how your acne problem and escalated to a higher Gearea infected.

Natural Acne Treatment - 5 Points to Watch

 Treatments for acne is often successfully. These treatments are cleaning lotion with benzoyl peroxide, gels or lotions with vitamin A, drugs and antibiotics by mouth or on the skin. It is very important that the risk of scar formation in the choice of a particular treatment. Natural acne treatments are both effective and rentableet rVERMINDEREN the risk of scar formation. En Testratamientos a balancedenen nutrition, vitamins and dietary supplements, herbs and bodywork.


 A death Basa mainly whole foods and it is often useful for people with acne. Try to eat vegetables at least five times a day and fruit at least once. Refined sugar should be avoided. You should also avoid fried foods, trans fat, like margarine and hydrogenated oils melkof vegetation less. It is recommended to consume foods containing Omega-3-fatty acids like flax sardinaso. There are also points of view that chocolate, coffee, salt, fish, wheat and non-alcoholic drinks increase acne.

 It is also important to drink plenty of water. You should try the list of 8 glasses of water per day. The fiber is also recommended. In addition to vegetables and fruitIk should also eat whole grains. Some person Signé liver detox diet as one to four weeks from fruit and vegetables to acne.

 Food and VitaminasLEMENTOS

 Vitamin Amay contribute to the reduction of sebum production. But we must be careful not to exaggerate, because high doses of vitamin A can lead to decreased bone density, headache, myalgia and ARTICulaires and birth defects. Sexually active women age may not exceed 5000 IU per day, unless they are accompanied by a professional and you are at least two methods of birth control. There is no need for vitamin A as an adequate supply of Vitamin E, zinc and beta - carotene to the formation of vitamin A.

 Zinc gluconate or zinc sulphate is a natural acne treatment. Two studies comparing the antibiotic tetracycline was found that zinc and zinc as effective as tetracycline. Zinc is the healing of blemishes, reduce inflammation and to reduce the androgenic hormonal effects on the skin. That is why we have the consumption of food, the zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, such as fish, meat or Geflügel

 Vitamin B6 helps with the pre-cycle or the surrounding area of acne and it is important for the metabolism of steroid hormones. You can also use the skin sensitive to the effects of testosterone.


 A good natural treatment of acne is obtained by mixing equal parts of Sarsaparilla, burdock, yellow dock and knife extracts. It is assumed that these plants are clean of blood and lymph. Half a teaspoon of this mixture three times per day.The treatment has a better effect in combination with a healthy diet.

 Boom tepetróleo also help acne. If the rash covers blemishes, helps to eliminate bacteria and inflammation.


 Massage is a natural treatment is recommended for people with acne problems. Bodywork helps increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, leading to a cure.

 Stress Reduction

 In general, stress is an important FaktorTor in many healths problems such as acne. Less stress can be seen as a natural acne treatment. Tque some to reduce stress include yoga, exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Do what you like and the stress factors are also very useful.

 For more free information on the best treatment options for acne visit my website below.

Acne Adult Care Tips

 Acne affects almost everyone, at least for part of their lives. It is normal if it is during adolescence affects many people in late adulthood. It causes many problems and sometimes lead to depression and low self-esteem. The individual acne usually frequently washes the affected area, try to know and several other measures not at home in May to reduce acne worse. And dessouselgunos tips to avoid acne.

 ConsultationEEC your dermatologist if you suffer from acne. Do not wait for the acne worse. Many medicines available to treat mild to moderately severe acne that benozyl peroxide acne lotion, cream, salicylic acid acne, triclosan acne lotion, cream, chlorhexidine gluconate acne benzoyl peroxide etc. is the best product on the counter. However, it must be demonstrated that even hingerichtsi drugs can be dangerous and it is advisable to consult a doctor before medication.

 Not washing huht affected area too frequently as the skin of oil exhausted. The blockade, which is the cause of acne is too deep to be removed by washing. Warm water is best for cleaning the skin. Warm water should be avoided.

 Change regularly with soap is one way to make sure acne worse. With a mild detergent and Mesturizem acne goes away in the conbestrijding of acne.

 There is no miracle cure for acne. The normal period for acne after opening for subsidizing van the treatment of acne Wochen6 between 4 weeks. The results are seen after 2 weeks. It is vital to medicine and, of course, the results for patients. It is advisable to acne lotion after acne has subsidized for a week at least.

 Taking Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln acuzine as good for skin and body. The ingrediëntenNTS are anti-oxidants, vitamins E and C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The effect of theseingredients is to strengthen the skin.