5 Easy Tips to treat acne

If you are still in transition from an interest in the topic of acne, then you should take a look at the information. This informative article provides some of the recent innovations in the field of acne.

1. Avoid laundering and abrasives

Scrubbing and abrasives should be avoided. The experts said that the irritation of the skin, which must be left intact as a natural barrier against bacteria causant'acné.

2e BellaSunday for the skin

As you know May, the sun can not kmal layer of bacteria, but no damage to the skin. Note also that the sun acts like an astringent that dries, hardens and clogging of the pores of the skin. Therefore, a short time under the sun. At least 15 minutes for the face and arms every day is sufficient.

3. Avoid extreme cold

If extreme heat causes clogging of the pores, extremely cold causes. Therefore, to avoid very cold, not the pores of the skin and freeze. E 'ideal if you vostrace and moisten the body, and remain at temperatures from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Swimming Guides

The exercise of reducing the burden of the treatment in a bath. However, the use of ozone purified pool if possible. And 'interesting to know that the pool of water is usually 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, much dasliegt unter normale98 temperature, 6 degrees of your body. Therefore, the pool of water cools your whole body, including the areas of acne, and offers an excellent year for the rest of you. This also reduces the stress and attention physics.

5. Think Clean

Change linens, laundry of towels and the body after each use. E 'is the fact that they are excellent places for the Bakterienies that cause acne to grow und to be on the skin later. Even white laundry viso, the pillowcase, as well as the underwear daily with Vinegar, tea tree oil or oils of lemon, lemon or orange reduction of acne bacteria bound sviluppoluppo. E 'is often suggested that a detergent for washing of course.

Indeed there are many ways to control and combat acne, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best so far taken into account. It is important to noteThat the healthy way of life contribute to a healthy skin and a healthy body. Change your bad habits reward you with better health, more energy, light skin and the world.

If you ever been afraid to make changes, plocazione not. Of course, the first of May is difficult to grasp at first glance, but as you go, you see that many can learn quickly with them.

This article is ฉ Copyright 2006, Heather Colman.Il Reproduction of this article, as long as they are not something, and the entire box is included.

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