Acne: There are many treatments for acne

 Acne is a disease of the skin are most common in the world, according to statistics. Experts enough time to examine how the forms of acne and how it should be removed. Different treatments, medicines, and are prepared to help, and the disease of the skin.

 Approximately 7 of the different treatments in the preventionet the elimination of acne. There are very lagerrschiedliche use of this productnoreatments and that one way or another.

 Some of the treatment of acne, to reduce or eliminate problems with acne are: Accutane, antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, medicinal plants, Retin-A and salicylic acid, among others.

 Accutane (Isotetinoin) is a drug, usually for severe acne in cases where the Linieten not work. Normalementet needed for a 4-6 months.

 Antibiotics to combat bacteria. These are mainly for the control van acne within. Topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) in the form of a pill.

 Benzoyl peroxide is an antibiotic used to encode the acne for many years. Erwurde demonstrated that very good results in the elimination of acne and prevention based.

 Herbal Remedies are a newcomer in the fight against acne. It believes that certain plants are effectiefbij regulation of oil and otherbody affected by acne.

 Retin-A (Tretinoin *) is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It was designed for the treatment of acne, caused by the sun and wrinkles. The follicules Remove and revenues of more than the dead skin cells.

 Salicylic acid help slow desprendiment cells in the follicles and in many treatments, which without a prescription.

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